Shouldn’t Happen
to a
Over 30 Years ago, on June 9th 1987 two lads set off on an adventure that was to change their lives forever.
These are their stories.

Kibbutz Office – Tel Aviv (Day One)
The bus dropped us and our baggage on the right street and with a minimum of fuss, we found the right place and the sign on the door which said opening hours 08:30 to 16:00. Great, well we only had three hours to kill until opening time. But wait, what is that just across the […]

More Airport Tales
My last blog post about arriving at Ben Gurion Airport for the first time definitely struck a chord with some people and as always your comments and stories re-kindled my own memories and reminded me of some other incidents that either happened to me or someone close to me. So in the best ISHTAV tradition […]

Ben Gurion – Arrival
Just as dawn breaks over Tel Aviv so the overnight flights from Europe begin to arrive at Ben Gurion airport. We actually arrived a little early so as we came in over the coast my first sight of Tel Aviv was of the roads still lit with the orange glow of street lights. Out of […]

Coming in on a Wing and a Prayer (or two)
Some of you will be familiar with the title I have chosen for this instalment. For those of you who are not, it originated during World War II. It’s first documented use is in a 1942 John Wayne movie where a hotel clerk tells Wayne that a plane has been attacked and is coming in […]